Industry Days' Guests

Bosch Rose

Film director/ producer / CEO Renaissance Images, co-Founder Legende

Rose bosch started in the industry by writing a biopic on Christopher Columbus « on spec ». The film, independently produced by a joint venture By both Wesley Scott’s and Legende ( Bosxh/Goldman) companies , was released in 1992 for the 500 th anniversary of the discovery of America. Bosch continued to develop Legende along wit her associated Alzin Goldman, producing about 40 films, essentially features. One of her last films was « The Round Up » a WWII biopic with Jean Reno and Melanie Laurent. describing the deportation of 15,000 Jews in 42. The film was a surprised hit, topping Shindler’s List in France, and earning Bosch with an Officer of Arts and Letters. Prior to this, Bosch was a senior writer and reporter for the French Newsmagazine Le Point for ten years. She recently founded Renaissance Images. She is based in Paris.

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